Rubrica para Lectura y Habilidad Oral

Descripción: ESCUDO TERESIANO Blanco-negro

NAME: _________________________________________ N°.______

Teacher Name: Felipe Molina 
2. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you….
(Matthew 6:33-34)

COMPETENCE: _________________________
DATE: ________________________________

Rubric for reading & oral proficiency
Student seems to understand entire story and accurately answers all of the questions related to the story.
Student seems to understand most of the story and accurately answers most questions related to the story.
Student understands some parts of the story and accurately answers half of the question related to the story.
Student has trouble understanding or remembering most parts of the story.
Participates Willingly
Student routinely volunteers to visit to the blog and willingly tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student volunteers to visit to the blog once or twice and willingly tries to all questions s/he is asked.
Student does not volunteer to visit the blog answers, but willing tries to answer questions s/he is asked.
Student does not willingly participate.
Thinks and reflects about characters
Student describes how characters might have felt at some point in the story, and also the way they manage to deal with specific situations.
Student describes how characters might have felt at some point in the story, and tries to explain how they manage to solve any difficult situation.
Student describes how characters might have felt at some point in the story, but does NOT provide good support for explaining the way they manage to deal with situations, even when asked.
Student cannot describe how characters might have felt at a certain point in the story.
Follows Along
Student is on the correct webpage (blog) in time and is actively reading along, makes critical comments, criticize her partners and answers the posted questions.
Student is on the correct webpage (blog) and usually appears to be actively reading, makes comments to the story and partners and answer most questions.
Student is on the correct webpage (blog) and seems to read along occasionally. May have a little trouble when commenting and answering questions.
Student is on the wrong webpage (blog )
Identifies and Speaks about Important Information
In class, student lists all the main points of the story without having the text in front of her.
In class, the student lists all the main points, but uses the text (printed) for reference.
In class, the student lists all but one of the main points, using the text for reference. She does not highlight any unimportant points.
In class, the student cannot list important information with accuracy.
Identifies details
Student recalls several details for each main point without referring to the text.
Student recalls several details for each main point, but occasionally needs to refer to the text.
Student is able to locate most of the details when looking at the text.
Student cannot locate details with accuracy.
Student uses only 1-3 sentences to describe clearly what the story is about.
Student uses several sentences to accurately describe what the story is about.
Student summarizes most of the story accurately, but has some slight misunderstanding.
Student has great difficulty summarizing the story.

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