lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Rapunzel & Me

Rapunzel & Me

Once upon a time there lived a man and his wife who were very unhappy because they had no children. These good people had a little window at the back of their house, which looked into the most lovely garden, full of all manner of beautiful flowers and vegetables; but the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to enter it, for it belonged to a witch of great power, who was feared by the whole world. One day the woman stood at the window overlooking the garden, and saw there a bed full of the finest rampion: the leaves looked so fresh and green that she longed to eat them.
 The desire grew day by day, and just because she knew she couldn’t possibly get any, she pined away and became quite pale and wretched. Then her husband grew alarmed and said:
`What ails you, dear wife?’
`Oh,’ she answered, `if I don’t get some rampion to eat out of the garden behind the house, I know I shall die.’
The man, who loved her dearly, thought to himself, `Come! Rather than let your wife die you shall fetch her some rampion, no matter the cost.’ So at dusk he climbed over the wall into the witch’s garden, and, hastily gathering a handful of rampion leaves, he returned with them to his wife. She made them into a salad, which tasted so good that her longing for the forbidden food was greater than ever. If she were to know any peace of mind, there was nothing for it but that her husband should climb over the garden wall again, and fetch her some more. So at dusk over he got, but when he reached the other side he drew back in terror, for there, standing before him, was the old witch.
`How dare you,’ she said, with a wrathful glance, `climb into my garden and steal my rampion like a common thief? You shall suffer for your foolhardiness.’
`Oh!’ he implored, `pardon my presumption; necessity alone drove me to the deed. My wife saw your rampion from her window, and conceived such a desire for it that she would certainly have died if her wish had not been gratified.’ Then the Witch’s anger was a little appeased, and she said:
`If it’s as you say, you may take as much rampion away with you as you like, but on one condition only–that you give me the child your wife will shortly bring into the world. All shall go well with it, and I will look after it like a mother.’
The man in his terror agreed to everything she asked, and as soon as the child was born the Witch appeared, and having given it the name of Rapunzel, which is the same as rampion, she carried it off with her.

Rapunzel was the most beautiful child under the sun. When she was twelve years old the Witch shut her up in a tower, in the middle of a great wood, and the tower had neither stairs nor doors, only high up at the very top a small window. When the old Witch wanted to get in she stood underneath and called out:
`Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your golden hair,’
For Rapunzel had wonderful long hair and it was as fine as spun gold. Whenever she heard the Witch’s voice she unloosed her plaits, and let her hair fall down out of the window about twenty yards below, and the old Witch climbed up by it.

After they had lived like this for a few years, it happened one day that a Prince was riding through the wood and passed by the tower. As he drew near it he heard someone singing so sweetly that he stood still spell-bound, and listened. It was Rapunzel in her loneliness trying to while away the time by letting her sweet voice ring out into the wood. The Prince longed to see the owner of the voice, but he sought in vain for a door in the tower. He rode home, but he was so haunted by the song he had heard that he returned every day to the wood and listened. One day, when he was standing thus behind a tree, he saw the old Witch approach and heard her call out:
`Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your golden hair.’
Then Rapunzel let down her plaits, and the Witch climbed up by them.
`So that’s the staircase, is it?’ said the Prince. `Then I too will climb it and try my luck.’
So on the following day, at dusk, he went to the foot of the tower and cried:
`Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your golden hair,’
And as soon as she had let it down the Prince climbed up.

At first Rapunzel was terribly frightened when a man came in, for she had never seen one before; but the Prince spoke to her so kindly, and told her at once that his heart had been so touched by her singing, that he felt he should know no peace of mind till he had seen her. Very soon Rapunzel forgot her fear, and when he asked her to marry him she consented at once. `For,’ she thought, `he is young and handsome, and I’ll certainly be happier with him than with the old Witch.’ So she put her hand in his and said:

`Yes, I will gladly go with you, only how am I to get down out of the tower? Every time you come to see me you must bring a skein of silk with you, and I will make a ladder of them, and when it is finished I will climb down by it, and you will take me away on your horse.’
They arranged that till the ladder was ready, he was to come to her every evening, because the old woman was with her during the day. The old Witch, of course, knew nothing of what was going on, till one day Rapunzel, not thinking of what she was about, turned to the Witch and said:
`How is it, good mother that you are so much harder to pull up than the young Prince? He is always with me in a moment.’

`Oh! You wicked child,’ cried the Witch. `What is this I hear? I thought I had hidden you safely from the whole world, and in spite of it you have managed to deceive me.’
In her wrath she seized Rapunzel’s beautiful hair, wound it round and round her left hand, and then grasping a pair of scissors in her right, snip snap, off it came, and the beautiful plaits lay on the ground. And, worse than this, she was so hard-hearted that she took Rapunzel to a lonely desert place, and there left her to live in loneliness and misery.
But on the evening of the day in which she had driven poor Rapunzel away, the Witch fastened the plaits on to a hook in the window, and when the Prince came and called out:
`Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let down your golden hair,’
She let them down, and the Prince climbed up as usual, but instead of his beloved Rapunzel he found the old Witch, who fixed her evil, glittering eyes on him, and cried mockingly:

`Ah, ah! You thought to find your lady love, but the pretty bird has flown and its song is dumb; the cat caught it, and will scratch out your eyes too. Rapunzel is lost to you for ever–you will never see her more.’
The Prince was beside himself with grief, and in his despair he jumped right down from the tower, and, though he escaped with his life, the thorns among which he fell pierced his eyes out. Then he wandered, blind and miserable, through the wood, eating nothing but roots and berries, and weeping and lamenting the loss of his lovely bride. So he wandered about for some years, as wretched and unhappy as he could well be, and at last he came to the desert place where Rapunzel was living. Of a sudden he heard a voice which seemed strangely familiar to him. He walked eagerly in the direction of the sound, and when he was quite close, Rapunzel recognized him and fell on his neck and wept.

But two of her tears touched his eyes, and in a moment they became quite clear again, and he saw as well as he had ever done. Then he led her to his kingdom, where they were received and welcomed with great joy, and they lived happily ever after.


Story length: 9 min. 43 sec.
Traditional – from The Red Fairy Book (edited by Andrew Lang)
Read by: Chuck Brown

29 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Is a very interesting story because it reminds me when i was a kid and i Dreamed myself having that long and beautiful hair :) ..It was my favorite fairy tale ...It teaches you that the truth beauty is inside the heart


  4. is very interesting this story because didn't know this version , i like it because the small details mean more than we can imagine

  5. 1) In the reading the wich stops blind to the man, but in the first video the prince didn't become blind.
    2) In the last video the story didn't have in the castlle, wasn't a princess with the hair very long.
    3) a) Very ambitious, curious and unwise
    b) The witch saw them, and want their future baby.

  6. 3) a)I think that the rapunzel´s mom is very unwise, because she knew that the rampions belonged to the witch and she didnt care, also she forced her husband to steal some rampions saying him that if she could not get some rampions, she would die. She was manipulative and she wanted to get rampions without worry the consequences of her whim.
    B) The witch demanded the child that they would have, and they have to accept this desition, because they did a wrong and unwise act. They should feel bad because they wanted to have a baby and they could not.

  7. 1. In the Reading the prince became blind because of the witch, and the prince and Rapunzel had obstacles to be together, but in the video the prince didn’t become blind and they scape together in their first attempt.
    2. In the video instead that Rapunzel stay in a big and tall tower with a window, Rapunzel was in a room without windows, or doors.
    3. A) I consider that Rapunzel’s mom was very unwise, although she knew that the Rampions was of Witch’s garden, she wanted it without think the consequences. She manipulated her husband, because she said that if she didn’t eat the rampions she would die.
    B) The consequence was that they had to give their future baby because of their was very unwise, they wanted that baby but they couldn’t had it.

  8. 1) rapunzel was conceited, rude and manipulative but the prince was kindly, sweet and little fool, but he was very tender
    2)first, in the story, rapunzel had a long,blonde and beautiful hair but in the video she had a short and black hair, second, in the story, rapunzel was carry for the witch when she was a child, but in the video, we can't know when the witch carried rapunzel, third, in the story, the prince was a wonderful man and rescued rapunzel, but in the video, the prince felt in love for the witch and never rescued rapunzel
    3)a. I think that she was pretty selfish because she only though in eat the rampions and she wanted they so much, and didn't think what could be happen whit her husband if the witch discovered rob the rampions.
    b. they had continued to be unhappy, because they only could have one daughter and they lost her for the treatment that they had with the witch

  9. 1:In the reading the prince lost sight when he jumped from the tower,and in the video the prince lost sight because he had his hat on his eyes.
    -In the reading the witch took rapunzel to the desert, and in the video the witch left locked rapunzel in the tower.
    3:a-I think that the wife was very unwise because she didn`t take care of the concequences,she could lose her husband but she didn`t bring it any importance, she olnly want to eat rampion.
    b-The main concequence was:they don´t have any child,and if they want to eat rampion, they have to give to the witch the future baby.they prefer eat rampions to have a baby.

  10. 2:In the reading rapunzel had the largest hair of the region,and in the video rapunzel had short hair.
    -In the reading rapunzel and the prince lived happily ever after,and in the video the prince fell in love with the witch.
    -In the reading rapunzel loves to sing,and in the video rapunzel loves jumping the rope.
    -In the videorapunzel was locked in a room,and in the readig rapunzel was locked in a tower.

  11. 1) Rapunzel was a manipulative, selfish, moody, unlike the prince who was gentlemanly, kind and special
    2) In the story we see rapuzel as a woman of very long hair, blond and very pretty, while the video is a thin woman with very short hair and black, in history we can see is kidnapped by rapunzel witch and the video does not, in the story the prince struggles to find a video rapunzel and the prince never does anything
    3) A. This woman acted in a very immature and selfish for not measured the consequences of their actions and only thought about it and eating rampions, and does not care what might happen if her husband discovered witch
    B. They had to deliver her baby that was what most wanted

  12. 1. The prince was sweet and fools with Rapunzel but because he like her, and Rapunzel was rude and only thought in her because she wanted to leave the tower and live in a castle with luxury and attention.
    2. In the story Rapunzel was taken for the witch, the witch shut her up a huge tower, the prince could enter the tower to speak with Rapunzel, she accepted to marry with the prince, The witch left blind the prince, Rapunzel had her hair longer but the witch cute her hair but in the and the prince and Rapunzel lived happily ever after.
    And in the video Rapunzel had her hair short, she was in a room without door and windows, the prince never was blind, Rapunzel preferred to jump rode, the prince fell in love with witch and later with the other girl so they didn’t and together.
    3.A. this woman was very selfish and manipulative because she never thought about the consequences that her husband might have to steal the rampions.
    B. they had to give her baby to the witch because the men had a deal with the witch to get the rampions, and this was sad because they couldn’t have babies and when they get it, they lost her by silly.

  13. 1) Rapunzel is arrogant and the prince is kind and silly , Rapunzel looks wealthy while the prince looks humble.
    2)-in the story Rapunzel has blonde and beautiful long hair and in the video is short haired
    -in the story says the beggining of the story and in the video we don't know why rapunzel ends up there
    -in the story the wich shutted rapunzel up in a tower and in the video the wich locked her in a small room in the middle of the forest
    -in the story the prince led rapunzel to his kingdom and in the video the prince couldn't even see rapunzel
    3) a)She wasn't wise at all!!! she was so selfish! she put her husband in danger for a whim.
    b)Because of their unwise decisions they lost her only daughter when she was just born... that would be the worst punishment for any parent

  14. 1) -In the story the prince became blind because the thorns pick upe his eyes, and in the first video the prince can't see because his hat was in his eyes.
    - In the video Rapunzel hair grew and then went to live with a prince. In Rapunzel and me, she start to cry and two of her tears felt down in his eyes, and the prince star to see again.
    2) In the video Rapunzel didn´t have a blond hair, the story was not in a tower, the prince always can see, and at the end of the sims story the prince fell in love with a top model, and could not live with Rapunzel.
    3) a. Because when we want something we should not still it, we should ask for it or buy, because we don't take the others things.
    b. In this story they have to give they daughter, only for still a rampions.
    I think that the stories are very interesting and fun, because show many versions of Rapunzel story. :)

  15. 1) the differences between the reading of rapunzel and the fairytale video are:
    reading rapunzel is very timid and fearful what might happen instead in the video is a bit arrogant and you are only interested in out of the tower. In reading the Prince falls in love by his voice is sweet and delicate and is very clever and intelligent instead in the video is a little awkward

    2) in my opinion the history of the blog is very complete and with many details that give us a clear idea about the history of rapunzel and the video for the sims is incomplete and does not show a clear history.

    3) MOM of rapunzel and her husband had to give his daughter to cause of stealing the plant than the mother of rapunzel wanted to and her husband pleasing her acted bad without having in tells what would happen later

  16. 1). in the story the prince is blinded for a moment and rapunzel heals with her tears in the video that does not happen
    * In the story the witch sended rapunzel to a desert location in the video the witch left her in a towel and cute her hair
    *In the story Rapunzel toll the witch who liked prince and in the video the witch discovered rapunzel and the prince

    2) in the video rapunzel has short hair, she never falls, never leaves the tower , the tower is a house and the prince did not fight for your love

    a) she don´t taka a good desicion and she forces indirect her husband to go to the witch garden and the wifeknows that goes to the garden is very dangerous and she is very evil and its only a bennefit to her and she don´t want to care that her husban is in danger
    b) risk the lives of her husband and losing her precious daughter

  17. in the first video the differences between rapunzel and the prince are:
    -the prince was kind of silly and rapunzel was visionary.
    -the prince was impulsive and rapunzel always thought about the consecuences and what would be better for her.
    - the prince and rapunzel were like in different time, because rapunzel acted like a modern girl who thinks in her future and the prince acted like the typical prince in the farytales who is always looking for a lady to save and thinks that love can beyond everything. and that is why it seems like the prince is a idiot because he always thought with his heart and not with his mind.

    differences between the video and the story-reading:
    -in the video the girls name is different from the reading because in the video the girls name is alice rapunzel and in the reading her name is just rapunzel.
    -in the reading rapunzel is taken by the witch when she was a baby because of the deal with his parents and in the video alice rapunzel is kidnaped by the wich just because.
    -in the reading the witch shuts rapunzel in a hihg tower and in the video the witch shuts her in wood but like in an invisibe island.
    - in the reading the witch sais "rapunzel, rapunzel let down your golden hair" and in the video the witch said a magic words to makes the door appear.
    -in the video rapunzel and the prince are based in two character of the book twilight, thats why her name is alice and the prince s name is jasper hale; and in the reading they are the original characters of the story.
    -in the reading raúnzel has long hair, in the video she has short hair.
    -in the reading when the witch discovers rapunzels visits, she hide her in to a desert and when the prince discovers that jumps from the towers window and he gets blind because of the thorns that were surround the tower until he founds her and her tears makes him recover the sight. in the video jasper fights with the witch and he wins but he can not find the door so he gives up and becomes in amiami vice guy, the witch becomes in miss america and alice rapunzel stays shut in the tower forever.

    3. how wise do you consider this woman and why?
    annswer: this woman does not have a single pinch of wisdom, because she knew the consequences of making his husband steal the rampions but she aksed him just because of the desire of the vegetables even knowing she could get any vegetable fron another place. cause she is one of those people who thinks only in themselves and does not think in the well-being of the others.

    what consequences did they have to face because of their unwise decisions?
    answer: they had give their first child in exchange of the rampios that was a very bad idea because a child would have make them very happy, and having achild was their biggest desire.

  18. 1.Both are similar, but in the video the prince didn`t become blind and he escaped whit Rapunzel, while in the reading he became blind and the witch took Rapunzel to live in the desert and she hidden her from the prince.
    2.In the story Rapunzel had long and blond hair and she was locked in a high tower in the forest that only had a small window in the top, but in the video she had short and black hair and she was locked in a room without doors or windows which had water around.
    3.A)she didn`t take a very wise decision, because knowing that the garden was outside and it belonged to the witch, she decided to send her husband there with the lie that if she didn`t eat rampions she would die.
    B)The unwise decision of the wife of send her husband for rampions, provoked that this couple lost their baby and it didn`t matter how much they wanted to have it, they couldn`t because he had promised to give her to the witch.

  19. 1 In the reading the prince was a intelligent and want to see rapunzel but in the video the prince was a stupid he cant see because have a hat, but in the two videos the prince becomes blind

    2 in the history rapunzel have long and blond hair and she was Caughtin a tower in the forest, but in the video have short and black hair and she was Caught in a room with a lagoon around, and in that video it does'nt say why she is there.

    a she takes a hurried decision she knew that was the garden of a witch and It is not important and forced to his husband to risk forcing it to that the flower that wanted tape-worm that to be of this garden

    b The consequence that she had was that it lost his daughter and put in very much risk his husband

  20. I think that I didn't understand well the 1st question son I'm going to answer how i get it
    1)they are meant for each other because both of them are really dumb but maybe she is more intelligent because she becomes a princess and gets out of the tower while he thinks that is blind and does all the work , I think that's funny when you realize that he is very small in contrast to Rapunzel ,she is really pale and red haired and he is dark skinned and has black hair.

    2)she doesn't get in the tower because of a promise, she fights and then has to enter to a room while she is peeing the witch took the door off, the Rapunzel in this story has short hair and a different name is carefree and is always jumping the rope, the prince and the witch fight instead of take Rapunzel to a desert, the prince never gets blind, she never gets out of the tower, he goes to Miami and the witch becomes miss America.

    3)maybe she is not intelligent because she doesn't think about the impact of asking that to her husband but she is ingenious because she knows how to make him go to get what she wanted.
    b)they had to give their daughter to the witch and having a child was their biggest desire so they were miserable.

  21. 1.
    -In the video, the prince was clumsy and in the story he was romantic and intelligent.

    -In the video, the prince couldn’t see because his hat covering his eyes but in the history the prince became blind because the thorns came into his eyes.

    -In the video, the prince could find again to Rapunzel because her hair grew and he could smell it, but in the story after walk for several years miserable and unhappy one day finally came to the place where was Rapunzel and listened again her beautiful voice, then she recognized him.

    -In the story Rapunzel had very long and beautiful her hair, but in the video was short.

    - In the video Rapunzel was locked in a room without windows and in the history she was in a tower and had a window.

    - In the story the prince falls in love to Rapunzel and lived together very happy for ever after, but in the video unfortunately the prince falls in love to the witch.

    - In the story the prince became blind, but in the video he never lost the vision.


    a. I think that the woman was actually selfish and ignorant. She took advantage that her husband really was fall in love to she and makes that her husband take the rampion that she wanted. she only thinks about her wishes, without considering the consequences that these bring, such as the husband could die.

    b. For the imprudence to the husband and the selfish to the woman, they had to accept the conditions to the witch and give her the future baby, although that is had been his dream for a long time.

  22. 1) In the first video the differences between rapunzel and the prince are:
    The prince was an idiot (he thought he was blind) he was the typical prince of fairytales who thinks that just with see a beautiful lady he can marry with her and be happy forever , but rapunzel thought in her future , so she accepted get marry with him to get out of the tower.
    2) The differences between the video and the story-reading:
    In the video rapunzel has short and black hair and in the reading she has blond and long hair
    In the video the girl name is different, her name is Alice rapunzel and in the reading it was just rapunzel.
    In the video the girls fight, they were so rude and in the reading that never happened.
    the video show since rapunzel is peeing(weird) in the story they don’t talk about that.
    In the video alice rapunzel was in a wood cabin in a forest and in reading she lived in a tower.
    The reading was so beautiful and the video was so funny with all the inconsistencies that the characters said , the witch became miss America...

    3) The woman wasn’t wise, she only thought in herself ,she urge her husband to steal the rampion just because she get obsessed with this vegetable from the witch garden .

    She put his husband in risk and she lost her daughter

  23. 1)-The prince was: small, fat, a little brunnete with black and short hair, black eyes and a big nose; He was a little stupid and clumsy but he was "persistent".

    -Rapunzel was tall, thin, white with a longer red hair and a big blue eyes; She was cautious, visionary, she want a "future" and she was sad because she was locked in the tower.

    2) The story in the blog is better because is more real, more interesting and more romantic tha the other; The other is very bad beccause the characters are from twilight(Alice Rpunzel),The prince leaves rapunzel in the room ( is not a tower!).
    Rapunzel didn´t have long blond hair and she was very silly

    3) a. This women is not prudent or wise she's ambicious because only cares what happens if sehe have that rapions, dosen't think and doesn't care what might happen to her husband or her future family, she only a momentary pleasure (eating rampions)

    4)They had to gave their little baby to the witch , that was the deal and the witch gave them the rampions

  24. 1)The diferences that I find between the prince and rapunzel in the first video are:
    *Rapunzel was beautiful and she seemed to be wealthy and elegant. And the prince was ugly.
    *Rapunzel was more intelligent and realistic. but the prince was crazy and a little silly.
    2 The diferences between the story of the blog and the video are:
    -the blog explains good the origin of rapunzel and the reason why she is with the witch. while in the video it just show Rapunzel with the witch, without a reason
    -the landscape is different. in the blog Rapunzel lives in the tower, in a place just full of trees. but on the video she lives in a house and with a river around.
    -each story has different way to get to Rapunzel; in the blog it is using her long and golden hair and climbing up to the window of the tower.In the video is a House, that's why it is not necessary to use his hair, but the way to get to her is to say a key to open the door of the House.
    -In the blog, Rapunzel has a long and golden hair, and in the video it is short and brown
    -In end of the video, the witch and the prince makes their own lifes at other places, and leave Rapunzel alone at the house. And in the end of the blog's story, Rapunzel and the prince run away, and live happy forever at the prince's kindom.
    -in the blog, Rapunzel loves the Prince, and struggles to get to him. But in the video she seems not to care if she is or not with the prince
    3)a:She is selfish and not smart, because she doesn't care her husband and the danger that he was experiencing. also it is unconscious, because he does not think about the consequences that might come to both.
    3) b:They had to give their baby to a witch who was going to give her a bad and unhappy life.

  25. 1 ) In the video, Rapunzel has red hair, and when the witch cuts her hair, it grow up again, but in the story Rapunzel has blond hair, and when the witch cuts her hair, it didn't grow up again.
    In the video, the witch cuts Rapunzel's hair, but in the story the prince cuts Rapunzel's hair.
    2 ) In the "sims" video, Rapunzel had black and short hair,and Rapunzel was imprisoned in a tower, but in the blog story she was imprisoned in a room.
    3-a) I think that she took a very bad decision because she put in risk the safety of her husband, and gave her daughter for the rampions
    3-b) She had to give their daughter that she had been wishing so much.

  26. 1)There is many differences between them:

    *In the Disney movie Rapunzel is a princes and her lover is a thief.

    *In Fairytale Rampunzel does not belong to the royalty and her lover is a prince.

    *while in Tangled the parents have a good lucking and care so much for their child , in Fairytale the parents are so agley, the mother is very fat and the father is almost ball head and him does not care exchange his daughter in a deal with the wish.

    * In tangled the lover find Rapunzel while hi pretend to escape from the king guards, in fairytale the lover ( the prince) find her when hi hear a beautiful voice and follow it.

    *In fairy tale Rapunzel help the prince to climb the towel with her braid but in Tangled hi climbed by himself.

    * In the story Rapunzol & Me , Rapunzel is locked in a towel but in Sims 2, Screwed Up she is lock top in a enchanted room.

    *In Rapunzel & Me, Rapunzel was singing very often making time. In Sims 2, Screwed Up she usually was jumping the rope.

    *In Sims 2, Screwed Up she have a short hair always and her name was Alice rapunzel, the prince hear the noise of her jumps. In the Rapunzel & Me, her name rally is rapunzel and have a very long hair. Furthermore the prince hear her beautiful voice.

    *In Sims 2, Screwed Up the wish fouling love with Jasper but in Rapunzel & Me the wish tray to live him blind and heat him a lot.

    a) The truth was that the wife was not wise, because just for her desire of the Rampion laves she put in risk her husband life send him to the wish garden.

    b) When she commits this mistake almost she lose her husband and at the end she lost their child.

    Mariana Galeano Carvajal 8ºA #4

  27. 1.first,rapunzel of the video was so arrogant. his father gave her to the witch and she was a bad mom to her. rapunzel grew outside of the tower,then when she grew up , her putative mother locked her in the tower. another difference is that rapunzel's parents were poor amd rapunzel parents of the novie were a queen and a king.

    2.the rapunzel of the video was locked in a room, not in a tower. her putative mom and the prince was fighting for who was going get her and take care of her.

    a.i don't think she was wise,she just wanted to get her rampion leaves, no matter what was going to happened to her husband.
    b.they have to face the witch and do whatever she wanted for didn't let her make them something bad.
